October 06, 2011

for pendamping

Dummy’s dream

The short story about a boy who has a high dream. He really reallywant to be a journalist. Because he thinks that if he becomes a journalist he can report any false news in other news media like TV or news paper.
Ok lets read and join the story.
Dummy, is a naughty boy but he is so clever and smart. He is so famous in his village and his school. He brights in english, maths, science, and acting.
When he was child, he liked to disturb any people who passes his house. He used to piss any boy. He was so naughty. He used to fight with another boy if they didn’t join him or agree with him.
In the Elementary school, he joined in act class. He was so clever to act many characters. And the greatest moment was being when he act as a Maskum. Maskum is a figure that a poor man and become arrogant when he as rich. In this figure, Dummy was so comprehend fully. He showed this act when the end party school, so many people watched this drama, and the figure of Maskum became the favourite of people.
The little dummy, was interesting with television. No day without watching television, may be that was a live motto of him. Dummy used to join his parent, if they watched news program, especially Lintas Lima in TPI. And in the school he tried to collect any news. He wrote in his book and he read back at home. In next day he observed again his friends, teachers, store keepers and wrote their activit and wrote their activities to be some report. The report just still saving in his own. He didn’t tell to any one about his ho be some report. The report just still saving in his own. He didn’t tell to any one about his hobby. But hobby. But his trail to be a journalist can be looked from his writings. His short story, poem used to patch in wall school.
From this ,  he decided to be a journalist in the future, but he still thinking that he want to be a professional tennis athlete.
When he went into junior high school, the dream to be a journalist longer and longer became less. He interested to act and iterature. He join an theater class. He became one of the favouriteactor. He and school theater group uset to show in some school party, theater compettion, and also some invitations.
In senior high school, he didn’t join more in theater or drama class. He much interested to join student organization. He also join in other ekstrakurikuler programs like Paskibra, Astronomi Olympiad, volley ball, Mosque’s young unity, English club, information and computer, and fencing. But with so many aciivities. Dummy cant shared the time. His education achievement so foul, ekstraprogamcant join at all.
The anxiety of journalist began up. He join in wall magazine. He became a student journalist. And he found his way of life. He really really to get his dream. JOURNALIST.
But, when  he graduated from senior high. He has no many at all. He read from internet. There was a BeastudiEtos to save smart student to get the dream. He listed. And finally he passed SNMPTN in Communication Program at UGM.
He was so happy. With this, his dream would be rallized.
He came to Jogja and joined in Etos dormitory. There was so many people who have same story with him. And there, they didn’t alone, they were kept by two guardian or they called PendampingEtos. There he studied hard. And Pendampingetos used to help him and friends. Pendampingetos like his parent, his bother, and his close friend. If he has a problem, PendampingEtos used to be a solver problem. But in last year of  academic phase, he didn’t more stayed in Etos dormitory. Because the Beastudionlu three years. So, he left his Pendampingetos. But he never forget with them. So much advices, support and help. Dummy in phase of university student has collected many achievement like in university and national.
When he graduated from UGM, no be needed long time to get the job. He worked in the biggest of news paper company.
“Allahu Akbar….., Alhamdulillah ya Alloh!”he shout.
He fell was very very Happy. He never feel like this before.
This all, cant be happen if in phase of study he didn’t meet with PenampngEtos.
“Jazakallohkhioronkatsir, I never forget with you all! You are my best Brother!”he said to both of PendampingEtos.
“Waiyakumakhy, you also my inspiration to get a success. “said one of PendampingEtos.
“afwan jiddan, if both of us, especially me, gave some false advices. Barokalloh akh!”said another Pendamping Etos.
And now. Dummy became one of the best reporter in Indonesia. And he has interviewed many president and the leader of nations in various country in the wolrd.

That’s all the short story about Dummy. He get his dream. He become the superior journalist. And he can go arround the world to report the news and meet many people from various country.
Don’t surrender that u can win. U can get ur dream. Pray and do. Believe to Alloh. Study hard. Keep ur faith.

This story I represantated to my Mom, my famz, my Friend in other University ^^, my ^gank^ JA , the EF, my friends mate in ETOS, Pendamping Etos Jogja, and Beastudi ETOS.

Jazakumulloh khiron katsir.


Langkah kaki yang terus terpapah

kaki ini akan terus melangkah menuju tujuan yang terpimpin oleh khayalku. Entah kemana kaki ini akan melangkah setelah menegakkan badan dari kursi. Langkah demi langkah akan terus di arungi walau itu takkan ada arti yang tersirat. Akan tetapi istiqomah dan hati yang baik akan menuntun ke arah yang baik. Serta harus berakhir dengan pelepasan langkah yang tenang.

Setelah makul daspen selesai, tak  urung beranjak dari kursi. Berbicara sebentar dengan kawan bahas suatu menarik. Ku tegakkan badan lalu melangkah beriring menuju tempat entah kemana. Taman sansiro adalah tujuan tak jelas yang tersambangi. Celotehan dan obrolan bersama kawan tetap menghiasi. Langkah terbit lagi menuju taman GKU menunngu adzan Ashar.

Adzan telah berkumandang lantas melangkah menuju mesjid. FEB punya kami sambangi untuk beribadah. Mencari suatu periode yang menarik dan berkesan. Dibanding dengan Isipol punya mesjid, FEB jauh lebih unggul.

Pendidikan Agama Islam kupikir untuk dituntut. Langkah kakiku dan kawan beranjak menuju ruang kelas. Tak jauh berbeda aku dan kawan duduk di barisan yang tak pernah maju. Saat dosen melangkah masuk, aku telah duduk manis menanti. Dosen kocak yang cerdas beri kami ilmu demi waktu dijauh hari.

Akhir belajar dilanjutkan melangkah menuju taman GKU. Mendengar arahan untuk LK JMF.  Membayangkan langkah akhir pekan yang padat namun berilmu. Kuliah padat nan pelatihan kesolehan.

Tak kunjung langkah in lelah. Turut berjalan menuju IBF jogja. Mencari jendela ilmu yang pasti akan penuh manfaat. Namun, harta milik tak cukup, bahkan cukup hanya untuk makan esok. Tak sedikit insan baru dikenal bersalam sapa denganku. Menambah kaidah persaudaraan.

Rembulan telah tampak menyapa. Membuat mata semakin layu dan langkah semakin lulai. Kembalilah menuju bangunan nyaman. Istirahat tiba untuk langkah yang lelah. Merebah asa yang telah sedikit meredam.

June 21, 2011

seorang anak yang belajar mengaji adalah awal dari mulainya kebangkitan dan kecerahan dimasa depan

ISLAM adalah agama yang sempurna yang sempurna yang insyaAlloh siapa yang menjalankan agama ini dan selalu bertkwa kepada Alloh dan meyakini serta menaati dua kalimah syahadat akan selamat dunia dan di akhirat.


بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيم
الْحَمْدُ للّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِين
 الرَّحمـنِ الرَّحِيم
 مَـالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّين
 إِيَّاك نَعْبُدُ وإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِين
 اهدِنَــــا الصِّرَاطَ المُستَقِيمَ
 صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنعَمتَ عَلَيهِمْ غَيرِ المَغضُوبِ عَلَيهِمْ وَلاَ الضَّالِّين

In the name of god, the most beneficent, the most merciful
All appreciation, gratefulness and thankfulness are to Allah alone, lord of the worlds
The most beneficent, the most merciful
The possessor of the day of recompense (i.e., on the last day of judgment)
You we worship, and you we seek help
Direct all of us to the straight path (i.e., to the way of Islam)
The way of those on whom you have bestowed your grace, not the way of those who have earned your anger, nor of those who have lost their way and are astray

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